Cave of the enchanted goblet

Lady Fourma

Lady Fourma, a red fox vixen adorned in orange silken robes, greets the party. She informs the party that their contract is to retrieve an enchanted goblet from a cave, and offers them a scroll containing the map. The party will be paid 25 crowns each upon completion. If asked, she will say that legends can't agree what the goblet's enchantment is. Some say it produces unending water, restores youth, or turns water into wine. In either case, she wants it. If prompted, she'll explain that the path is full of bandits and monsters.

Dire Porcupine

The party finds a group of bandits ahead, laying dead in the road. Some of the bandits appear to have been crushed flat, their bows and arrows crushed with their bones. One is not crushed, and instead has large quills stabbed into him. Upon nearing this mess, a porcupine the size of a bear meanders out of the brush, hissing. It has an arrow punctured in the side of its head and is wearing a crude hide collar. (30 hearts, D6 damage. When balled up, melee attackers receive 2 damage from the quills).

Send by Lord Fourma to retrieve the enchanted goblet from its cave,


The party finds a giant wolf folk man holding a bloodied tree as a staff(50 hearts, 2d6 damage, one counter-attack per turn). He is simple and kind-hearted. If the porcupine is present, he will rush to it and pet it, calling it Spike. His name is Bigclaw and he was told by his boss to stand outside and guard the entrance of the cave until his return. His boss is a human with a crown tattoo on his neck. If the party is friendly, he will challenge them to a game of rock goal, a game where each team attempts to get a rock in the other team's goal. If they win, he will let them through. If the party makes it past him into the cave, he won't pursue them(he was told to stand outside).

The tile floor

Deeper into the cave, the floor gives way to a grid of stone tiles a meter on each side. A scorched skeleton with a lantern sits upon one tile. If one steps on a trapped tile with roughly a hundred pounds of weight, flames burst from it dealing 2d6 damage to those on it and D6 damage to those on adjacent tiles. The trapped tiles are shaped like a smiley face, like below:


The trial

The cave terminates in a carved stone chamber with six piles of goblets and a zombified corpse guarding each with a sword(10 hearts, 3 damage). They speak in unison. "One of you may take on this trial. Each of these goblets is enchanted. You may select one goblet as you fight us. When the last of us is slain, the chosen goblet in your hand will be the only to retain its enchantment. Should you fall in battle, you will join us here forever. Your friends may aid you, but you alone must hold the goblet to preserve its enchantment."

Goblet enchantments

Roll randomly each time. Once the challenger picks up a goblin, the zombies report its enchantment.

  1. "Water poured into this cup turns to wine."
  2. "Turn this goblet over and it will never stop pouring out."
  3. "Drink from this goblet daily and you will not age."
  4. "Pour this goblet onto the deceased and it will shatter, reviving them."
  5. "Drink from this goblet once per day and you will be invisible for one minute."
  6. "When full, this goblet burns with a heatless blue flame."