In the introduction, we have learned of the concept of magic. In "As above, so below" we have learned that your inner psychological world governs your relationship with the physical outer world. Now we will set out to learn a new language. Generally, a language allows two or more people to exchange ideas. This language is meant to communicate primarily with yourself. Said language is a vehicle to explore the deeper layers of your unconscious mind with consistency and rigor. As you learn new words/symbols, linking them to your personal experience will give them meaning. For this reason, there will be exercises accompanying some of these concepts. Please perform them, as the act will help anchor this vocab to your intuition. Like a chemistry student memorizing the periodic table of elements before they can address chemical reactions, there are building blocks here as well. This is esoteric knowledge. As a senior software developer, there is not much I could do to explain what computer science to a layman given the time and attention constraints of casual speech. However, there is an institution(academia, stack exchange, w3schools) which has already recorded anything I could say on the topic, and far more. As obscure as it may be, computer science is exoteric. Anyone can read through a few textbooks and tutorials readily, and you can readily fact-check almost any claim I could make. Magic is esoteric in nature, and while you can certainly ask people and get answers from them, there is and can be no consensus by the nature of the content. For any question, there will be myriad answers, and the only mechanism to fact check them is personal experimentation and experience.
Urban dictionary defines "big dick energy"(BDE) as "...a slang term that describes a person who has a relaxed, effortless, and natural confidence...". Someone may possess BDE and experience the full range of human experience, from the cradle to the grave. While that is possible, it is unlikely someone will live out their entire life with this quality. As a vulnerable infant, when facing a fear, or when grieving a tragedy, the person no longer has BDE. Instead, they possess a different, incompatible energy. An infant cries for others to meet their needs, and is neither relaxed nor effortless. Summoning courage and bravery is not effortless or relaxed, nor is grieving. Not only can we lose an energy, but we can gain it. After an achievement, receiving a compliment, or listening to certain music, people may feel that confidence which is relaxed and effortless for a time. Likewise, an energy can be transmitted to those who are receptive to it. Screaming angrily might readily turn a crowd into a mob, depending on circumstances. Pulling someone into a warm hug might make them feel safe enough to begin crying immediately when they've been previously guarding their emotions. The last property of any given energy is that it is a perceptual lense. Someone with BDE enters a situation and sees it in a different light than their "small dick energy"(SDE) peer. Minor inconveniences might not matter to BDE, but be devastating to SDE. Like a little yappy dog, a minor insult to someone with SDE might inspire desperate posturing and dominance displays. Someone with BDE might either shrug it off, or else directly and honestly establish boundaries. Someone with BDE might gladly chill with a group of people or a situation that is slightly embarrassing, whereas someone with SDE will be tortured by anything that interrupts the appearance they are trying to maintain. This is to say, SDE and BDE have different values and different goals. The main distinction is that BDE feels intrinsically potent, where as SDE feels intrinsically impotent, and acts to compensate and deny this lack.
An energy is a perceptual lens. Are you relaxing after a long day of work? Entering a job interview? Breaking up a fight between two children? Staring into the eyes of a lover? Talking to a doctor? Pulling an all-nighter to finish a paper? Walking home in the icy cold? Trying to troubleshoot a backup generator by candlelight? These situations require different things of you. Like a painter selecting a color from their palatte, you must intuit which energy to bring to which situation. A given energy has a character about it, preferences, hopes and fears, and even reflexes. Some confident energies may charge forward without second-guessing themselves. Great for making a fiery speech, but terrible for architecting a bridge. Some energies may spend their time in feelings, making them great for intimate conversations and likewise terrible for architecting a bridge. A detail-oriented "measure-thrice, cut once" style of energy might be the exact one needed for making a shot in billiards or architecting a bridge. If you choose to, you can select your energy to match the needs of a situation much like selecting a pokemon with a type advantage against a known opponent. This is a skill.
When insulted, how does BDE lead you to respond? Do you ignore it because you have nothing to prove? Do you confront the person because you don't have to put up with disrespect? Do you demonstrate your merit with a grin and let that demonstration speak for you? All of these are arguably BDE, but they are all different variations. Depending on which person possesses the BDE, and which situation they are in, these might be more or less appropraite. The less appropriate, the less adaptive to a given situation, the less evolved. Evolution here means repeatedly using and altering one's energy through experience. An evolved energy is more nuanced, more aware of the counter-intuitive elements of reality. Energies, while they may be instantly recognizeable, are nonetheless able to take many forms. Evaluating how evolved a given energy within you or another is takes practice. The more you evolve, the more room you will realize there is to further evolve.
Let's introduce the concept of correspondences. A correspondence is any person, place, item, time, ritual, symbol, idea, or even energy that intensifies a given energy. I'll give an example of Christmas. There are clothes(santa hats, christmas sweaters), decorations(christmas trees, mistletoe, Christmas lights), music, food, rituals(gift-giving, carolling, building snowmen, family coming together, elf on a shelf, etc), and a time of year(December 25th, or any time after Halloween, depending) that are associated with Christmas. The more of these are present, the more Christmas energy is present. It's hard to enter a mall Santa's display area without feeling the Christmas energy. Sometimes, people willingly invoke "the Christmas spirit" with phenomena like "Christmas in July" where they invoke Christmas energy through the same correspondences, except with a different timing. They may even partially match the correspondence of timing by setting it on July 25th. It's not the same as December 25th, but it "rhymes"(the operative feature of any correspondence). Someone who's feeling isolated or lonely might hum or sing Christmas music to feel some of the comfort that Christmas energy brings them. Even just silently thinking about all the fun you have at Christmas while in line at the DMV can serve as an example of invoking an energy to help you.
If we want an analogy, consider each energy as a pokemon. All electric pokemon of one type are not built the same. Some of them can be more evolved forms of one another, they have abilities, strengths and weaknesses in relation to other types, and they each have their niches where they come in most handy. When they interact, there can be synergies between certain energies and can be clashes between others. Invoking an energy is like saying "I choose you, Pikachu!". In working with energy, your goal is to collect and understand energies so that you can more consciously navigate situations in life. From here on, many energies will be introduced.